Sunday, October 9, 2011

Glorious Fall

WinePress is about ready to roll with the first print run of Children of Angels! It's due out some time this month! The wait is interminable, but I haven't been twiddling my thumbs. I've been in contact with some three dozen churches, schools, and bookstores seeking opportunties to speak and do book signings. This is only the beginning.... My publicity manager and I will strategize the online book tour next week.

Meanwhile, I've been taking in the glorious Autumn that God has given Minnesota this year. "The earth is the LORD's, and all it's fullness, the world and all those that dwell therein." Psalm 24:1

I took these photos on a picnic with my mom. This is a maple woods along my bike riding route. I don't need to work up the motivation to exercise when I my workout takes me though scenery like this! Who wouldn't wanna get out in it?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


WinePress Publishing tells me that CHILDREN OF ANGELS is 7 - 8 weeks from publication as of August 24. That puts the debut in October. I'm fine-tooth-combing the galleys with the copyeditors, right now. Galleys are the typeset pages as they'll appear when printed. This is it! As Tom Hanks playing Jim Lovell said in "Apollo 13": "A few more bumps and we're haulin' the mail."

The cover artist, FYI, is Christopher Miller, author of the Hunter Brown tween fantasy series. He's brilliant! He nailed my vision.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Unbelievable Cover Art

Hi, All, Last Friday, March 25, WinePress sent me the first draft of the cover art for Children of Angels. I was so excited I got the shakes and could hardly type. It's fantastic! A prime example of Ephesians 3: 20 and 21. The LORD used the artist to create a cover that's beyond my best dreams. And I don't know the artist's name, yet! That will change, I assure you, since I'm going to use this illustrator for the entire series...if I have my druthers. I'm learning marketing strategies through my strategist at WinePress. He'll help me implement them. The debut is drawing near! Hoo, boy!