Monday, August 5, 2013


CHILDREN of ANGELS won Honorable Mention in the Hollywood Book Festival contest, Spiritual category!  The winning author in that category was Angie Schuller Wyatt, granddaughter of Dr. Robert Schuller, so I was in worthy company.  I accepted my award in the Art-Deco elegance of the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood on Saturday evening, July 20th, thrilled to be there and to make more good friends in the publishing and film industries. 

Just getting to the Roosevelt was a miracle of God and His angels!  It's far cheaper for a Minnesotan to get to L.A. via Las Vegas, but my flight was delayed by a thunderstorm in Chicago.  I was supposed to arrive in Vegas at 10 pm.  Would you like to try 4 am instead?  I picked up my rental car, checked in to my Vegas hotel, and made it to bed by 6 am.

Up again by 10:30 am so that I could make it to Hollywood in time, I drove the mad race that is Interstate 15 through the Mojave going on God's strength and adrenaline, which carried me through changing for the awards ceremony in a California Pizza Kitchen bathroom and wriggling through Hollywood traffic on a Saturday night.  I knew God was in charge, protecting me and guiding me.  I'll do a "real blog" about that soon.

The struggle was well worth it.  I'm utterly grateful to the Hollywood Book Festival and to my Lord Jesus who made all of it happen.  I can still barely credit the truth: I'm an award-winning author!

Everybody say "Alleluia!"

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